For me working in philanthropy and fund development is where authenticity and integrity meet. If you believe deeply in something (for me it is fairness, justice, equality and respect) you must set it in your sights, focus on the goal and determinedly pursue the outcome with integrity and conviction. In pursuing excellence and operating with high standards and expectations of myself I always seek ways to improve and/or reinvent existing procedures and/or processes. That is my definition of learning. In twenty-five years working in fund development I have demonstrated my versatility, my ability to quickly understand and assess situations to best determine how to practically apply my knowledge, experience and skills to address the specific requirements and circumstances. I have effectively managed a diverse portfolio including individual, corporate and employee giving campaigns as well as direct mail, leadership and monthly giving programs. I have led the Fund Development function within an international non-governmental organization (NGO) and led up to a team fourteen direct reports. I have worked alongside, recruited, trained and managed volunteers at different levels of involvement and engagement.
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