Getting the in-memory basics right – 5 must-dos for new starters!


In this lively session, Kate Jenkinson suggests her answer to this question. Her recommendations draw on first-hand findings from the In-Memory Insight consortium research programme; and her experience of working with charities of all sizes and sectors as Legacy Voice’s Head of In-Memory Consultancy.

This is an ideal short session for smaller charities and hospices, or for any organisation that wants to feel confident it has its in-memory basics in place before planning an uplift in this area.

What are the key learnings from your session?

  • The 5 ‘most important’ things you need to do to prepare your charity’s in-memory programme for growth.
  • These will include actions you’ll need to take; and things you’ll need to have in place.
  • Kate will bring her points to life with relevant examples from UK charities that lead the field for in-memory fundraising.
  • Each recommendation is firmly grounded in research insight and backed up by sound rationale.


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