International Fundraising and the Arts


In these micro-power sessions, Dana will share case studies, practical advice and top tips across two of her specialist areas: international fundraising and arts fundraising. Each session will be delivered in a PechaKucha format (20 slides, 20 seconds per slide) so expect a fun and fast-paced 15 minutes!

In ‘How to raise funds internationally’ Dana will offer some practical advice on where to start with international funding, how to build a pipeline, and explore what you need to consider when going for international funds.

In ‘What I learned about arts fundraising from BIPOC organisations’ Dana will share three case studies from black, indigenous and people of colour-led arts organisations that have inspired or changed the way she approaches arts fundraising, and how you can implement these learnings in your fundraising activities.


Speakers are added to our events as we receive their details and are updated continuously. These events achieve the goals set out in our EDI commitment.

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