At Dementia UK, we launched a new Value Exchange pilot in April 2021 and have spent the last 18 months collaborating with a digital agency (Platypus) and Telemarketing agency (Stratcom) to build, test and refine the programme to a point where we are seeing a consistent and sustainable level of success with converting leads to regular givers.
In this session we will take you through pilot to roll out of a acquisition product that we are seeing better results every time we make a change.
As a trio of women with different expertise, knowledge and experience within acquisition, digital marketing and regular giving conversion, we will show you how to work together, collaborate and turn your acquisition product into a stable always-on lead generating campaign.
Key learnings from this session:
Speakers are added to our events as we receive their details and are updated continuously. These events achieve the goals set out in our EDI commitment.
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