Fundraising Objects
Suhailah Waheed Headshot (1)

Suhailah Waheed


Suhailah Waheed is a community-centered fundraiser and organizer based out of Austin, Texas. She is originally from the multifaceted cultural hotspot of the American south, Durham, NC. Suhailah, who is also a published poet, focuses her work on highlighting issues that affect the quality of life for women, children, minority and Muslim communities. Her fundraising adventure blossomed in her youth when she began fundraising for her school and local Masjid. From there, she was drawn to illuminating experiences and possibilities through storytelling and fundraising. This discovery is what led to her mission of backing her community in the most efficient way she could, through access to sustainable funding. At agency Giving Geeks, she creates and enhances strategy operational and development processes and provides support in strategic fundraising opportunities for philanthropic institutions. She is an Executive Board Member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals – Greater Austin.


Give Like You Live: A Snapshot of How to Use the Giving Data That Surrounds You

Thursday 1st January

QTY 20.00
Data Slam 2021

Past event - Thursday 13th May

QTY 80.00