For too long charities and fundraisers have spent time, funds, and energy on responding to hate.
Time, funds, and energy that should be used on making the world a better place.
Brilliant groups like Charities Against Hate exist to make social media a safer place to be. But what if collectively the sector vowed to come together; to stand against the negative rhetoric and build a sector-wide support response to stop the hate?
A group of charities and fundraisers have drafted the statement below. If you agree, add your signature to the Google Doc and vow to stand together to build a sector against hate.
I stand with charities that are the target of abuse.
I stand with all other organisations that are fighting for a better, more tolerant world against a backdrop of media and politically fuelled hatred.
I will not be a bystander to racism, injustice, and media manipulation. I believe we are better than this.
I ask everyone to focus on our shared humanity and to call out injustice wherever we see it, publicly and in defiance.
I believe collectively we can change a narrative that doesn’t reflect what the majority feel. We will focus as much on a collective voice for good as our opponents focus on a voice of division and fear.
I say enough. I say this stops now.
To co-sign this statement of solidarity and commit to being a sector against hate, click here.