2024 Trends & Budgets: Why the cost of living crisis doesn’t mean a cost of giving crisis



Join us for a webinar discussing the highlights from Blue State’s 2023 UK Charitable Behaviours tracker and what it means for fundraisers. We will share the key trends fundraisers are seeing right now, alongside results from live client work, discuss what the current landscape means for fundraisers, and take questions from the audience.

Lizi is the Executive Director of Blue State, an agency supporting charities and campaigning groups to understand, engage and mobilise millions in over 20 countries. To date, Blue State have raised over £2.4BN and engaged 30 million donors all over the world working with clients such as UNICEF, The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), Save The Children, Plan International, Oxfam, Amnesty International, Médecins Sans Frontières and many others.

If you’re a fundraiser working hard to maximise income from Q4 while also planning for 2024 this session is for you. Join us to understand the shifts in global donor demographics, average gifts and balance between regular giving and one-off gifts and see how organisations are adapting to evolving donor behaviours.

Attendees will discover:

  1.  Which audiences are still giving and increasing their giving through the cost of living crisis.
  2. How to offset acquisition challenges with donor development
  3. Recommendations for what to think about when planning your 2024 budgets


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