Fundraising Objects

Lizi Zipser


Since joining Blue State eight years ago, Lizi has worked with some of the world's largest NGOs helping oversee our work with UNICEF, steer UNHCR towards a bolder, ambitious global fundraising model and accelerating digital transformation at Save the Children International.

Prior to Blue State, Lizi worked with organisations such as Barnardo’s, Marie Curie Care and National Trust on digital transformation strategies, drove public sector innovation in the NHS improving patient services and communications, as well as clients such as Sky and BMW improving customer experience and results.

An eternal student, Lizi holds a Master’s in NGO Management from Bayes Business School’s Center for Charity Effectiveness, a graduate diploma in Social Science from the London School of Economics and Political Science, a BA in Digital Design and a second Master’s in Cognitive Neuroscience & Neuropsychology - all in aid of understanding how our minds drive individual, organizational and societal behavior, and how to change it through digital innovation and communications.
