Leading With Trust - How to do it well and why it matters


In this session Nikki talks about how inspired she is by the leadership team at the RNLI and how being trusted has motivated her to be the best fundraiser that she can be.

Nikki will discuss how this trust is extended to all members of the ‘crew’, whether it be staff or volunteers, and why she thinks that this plays a huge part in the charities success.

Key learnings from this session:

  • Trusting your employees to do the job you hired them to do will inspire them to be the best that they can be
  • Your teams will feel empowered to do their jobs well if you trust them to make the best decisions for the charity instead of micromanaging them
  • A trusted team member will always strive to work harder and smarter than one who does not feel that you value the skills that they bring to a role
  • Empowering volunteers and giving them the tools to do their roles well will create successful and passionate communities who will spread your message far and wide


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