More than 2,000 charities used Donr’s text giving platform to run incredible campaigns during the coronavirus lockdown. As a result, donations between March and July were 653% higher than at the same stage of last year, with charities breaking the £2 Million barrier.
Whilst the coronavirus pandemic has cast a dark cloud over the charity sector, a thin silver lining has been the innovative and exciting fundraising campaigns that charities have developed. At Donr, we’ve seen some incredible fundraising campaigns over the past few months; West End performances broadcast to people’s homes, Premier League legends doing keepy ups to raise funds for hospice care and text giving becoming a cash alternative in a socially distanced world.
In this talk, we’ll be joined by some fantastic charities to celebrate some wonderful success stories. We hope that we will inform and inspire you with ideas that you can replicate in your own fundraising.
Speakers are added to our events as we receive their details and are updated continuously. These events achieve the goals set out in our EDI commitment.
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