Fundraising Objects
Thruxton Harwoods (2)

Becky Williams


Hello! My name's Becky and I have been a Partnerships Manager at The Children's Trust since November 2019. I work on account management and new business, and have recently taken on some 'additional responsibility' in leading the corporate team. I have previously worked in corporate partnerships and special events at Tommy's, and am part of the Chartered Institute of Fundraising Corporate Special Interest Group.


Pitch Stop Panel
QTY $25.00
Corporate Partnerships Everywhere Conference 2022

“A bend in the road is not the end of the road…
unless you fail to make the turn.”
– Helen Keller

We find ourselves in a time of overwhelming challenges. The pandemic, climate change and discrimination are at the top of a long list of significant problems.

These problems are too big for any organization to solve on their own. However, purpose-driven partnerships between companies and charities offer us hope and solutions.

So we need corporate fundraisers to step up and build those partnerships.

We are excited to present our line-up of international and expert speakers who will provide you with cutting edge insight and recommendations on how to build corporate-charity partnerships that make a serious dent in your charity missions.

We hope you can join us on Thursday 24th February 2022.

QTY $100.00