Filipe Páscoa
- Founder
- kubb.tech
Senior fundraising and public engagement expert, one of the pioneers in the use of Business Intelligence, Data Science, and Social Data Intelligence in the sector, on a global level.
Very good at understanding the context, analyzing data, translating technical language into business, and building or teaming up with incredible people to solve real-life problems.
Collaborated both in leadership positions, senior consultant roles or capacity builder with organizations such as UNICEF, Amnesty International, Greenpeace, Oxfam, Plan International, SOS Children Villages and Transparency International, at national, regional and global levels.
Filipe is an IFC masterclass speaker, a decisionscience.org.uk senior associate consultant and contributes 2 cases to the book Change for Good.
“A bend in the road is not the end of the road…
unless you fail to make the turn.” – Helen Keller
We find ourselves in a time of overwhelming challenges. The pandemic, climate change and discrimination are at the top of a long list of significant problems.
These problems are too big for any organization to solve on their own. However, purpose-driven partnerships between companies and charities offer us hope and solutions.
So we need corporate fundraisers to step up and build those partnerships.
We are excited to present our line-up of international and expert speakers who will provide you with cutting edge insight and recommendations on how to build corporate-charity partnerships that make a serious dent in your charity missions.
We hope you can join us on Thursday 24th February 2022.
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