Fundraising Objects

Mandi Hine


After starting her “career” as a support worker in numerous services (and for a few different charities), she spent several years working as a Bids Manager and Trusts Fundraiser for Housing Associations and Consultancy firms before returning to the Charity sector as Development Manager for a Birmingham Based orchestra. During these roles she spent time completing funding applications ranging from Arts Council England NPO funding to Development projects. She was drawn to this area of fundraising as she loves data, insight, and research. 

Looking for a new challenge Mandi became Fundraising Lead (sole fundraiser and first ever fundraiser in the organisation!) for Adoption Focus. Having a “knack” for going into roles where there were few systems and processes in place, this was a perfect fit. After nearly 3 years in the role, she decided it was time for a new challenge so took the leap to go from long time member to staff member of Fundraising Everywhere. As Community Manager, Mandi is responsible for engaging with, understanding, and representing the respected Fundraising Everywhere community – from managing individual and organisational memberships, curating events, identifying potential speakers, and just generally being an ear for all fundraisers in the sector.

Oh, she's also a Harry Potter geek, a collector of tattoos and copious amounts of tea and gin. Cheese is her main food group although she's also partial to a good selection of carbs!
