Fundraising Objects
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Vic Hancock Fell


Vic has lived and breathed small charity life for the last 15 years. She's been a volunteer, CEO, Trustee, trainer and consultant for organisations big and small.

She's Chair of Trustees at a small charity and Founder and Director at Fair Collective, a social enterprise that helps socially purposed organisations do more good stuff in the world with affordable freelance support, consultancy and training.

Vic really cares about the small charity sector and has worked with infrastructure organisations like The FSI and NCVO to deliver capacity building programmes and campaigns like Small Charity Week.


How to do everything as a small charity leader

Thursday 1st January

QTY 20.00
Charity Leadership Conference 2024

Past event - Thursday 20th June

QTY 80.00
Shifting the power to the people you exist for

Thursday 1st January

QTY 20.00