Welcome to The Trusts & Foundations Edit

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The trusts and foundations edit. Red/purple gradient background, white text.

Agile Project Management for Fundraisers
Speaker: Diane H. Leonard

Applying Behavioural Science to Grant Fundraising
Speaker: Richard Shotton

Building Successful Long Term, Long Distance Relationships with Foundations
Speaker: Anna Ferron Brooker

Cases for Support
Speaker: Leah Eustace

Ethical Storytelling
Speakers: Genelle Aldred, Rachel Goble & Emily Worrall

How to build relationships with different types of foundations
Speaker: Deanna Wolf

Keep calm and carry on giving: What can fundraisers learn from how funders
responded to the 2008 financial crisis?
Speaker: Bill Bruty

Navigating Powerful Funders: Trusts and Corporate Edition
Cyronica Lackey, Angie Turner & Jerrel Jackson

Power to the People: How to Create An Inclusive Grantseeking Strategy
Lesa-Kaye Holtham

The future of grantmaking in post-COVID world
Speakers: Emma Goad, Menaka Rodriguez, Fozia Irfan & Alison Holdom

Welcome to The Trusts and Foundations Edit

The Trusts and Foundation Edit, white text on gradient of purple to red background

Welcome to this collection of all of our Trusts & Foundations on-demand content.

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